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2 Oct 2018 | features

Ailbhe Griffith speaks to Esther McCarthy in The Examiner

Ailbhe Griffith speaks to Esther McCarthy in The Examiner

Ailbhe Griffith speaks to Esther McCarthy in today's Examiner

On being asked by Alan Gilsenan to play herself:

“When he originally asked me, I took a day or two to confirm,” she says. “But I suppose my own gut instinct on the matter was, I felt what I could contribute was, that I could definitely make it as authentic as it could possibly be, it being a piece of drama but at the same time, us wanting to really bring the power of restorative justice home.

“I felt that if I could bring that authenticity to what’s being said, and avoid stereotypes and people making assumptions about how a person would be in that scenario, that I could do restorative justice a service.”


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